Home > Promotional Products > Hiya Oroshi: Kikusui Junmai Ginjo

Hiya Oroshi: Kikusui Junmai Ginjo

Exquisite Umami and Savorperfect for Autumn Kikusui Junmai Ginjo “HiyaOroshi” (pronounced as he-yuh-o-ro-she) is brewed specially to enjoy long autumn night. This exquisite umami and savor comes from very special brewing method. We brew this sake with new crop during severe winter with pasteurization process called “Hiire”(pronounced as he-e-le)* then let it mature in a tank slowly until Autumn

Kikusui-Hiyaoroshi-720brings a wake up call.When this sake is bottled, the final pasteurization process is skipped (usually pasteurization is done twice for most of sake before shipped out of factory) in order to maintain the superb savor gained from long and slow maturing period.

What is Hiire* (pronounced as he-e-le)

Pasteurization done to sake is called Hiire. Average 60~65℃heat is added not only to kill bacteria but also to stop enzyme’s activities to maintain the best freshest flavor. This brewing technique has been used since Edo period which is 17th century.

“The Ultimate AutumnSake”

that heals youfrom summer fatigue.

This autumn limited sake “Hiyaoroshi” can be enjoyed both cold and lukewarm. Every sip you take will ease your summer fatigue. Characteristics of ” Hiyaoroshi” are the umami(savor) that is brought out specifically to suit autumn’s seasonal food and its well-balanced moderate aroma. This perfect balance of umami and aroma is why we proudly named this sake “Ultimate Autumn Sake.” This sake is autumn limited production. In order to enjoy the freshness, we highly recommend you to consume soon after your purchase.

Characteristics of flavor

Elegantly rich yet mellow flavor lingers on the palate slowly and comfortably.

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